2011 is here! In fact it is already January 4th and I am finally sitting down to ponder what God wants from me in this new year!
Today I was washing loads and loads of laundry as I am preparing for our baby boy to come in March. I was so blessed by some friends who gave us loads and loads of baby clothes. :) But as I was preparing for baby my mind kept wandering and thinking about this year.
A few weeks ago I was at church when my pastor said he heard a message that the pastor said "what do you need to start, stop, or keeping doing?" It got me thinking.... a lot! What do i need to stop?? I know there are things I need to stop! Start?? What does he want me to do? Keep doing?? What things am I doing that I need to continue to keep doing?? Seems so trivial but really it has been mind boggling to me.
I am a women of GOD and my desire is to do his will, but lately I have been feeling a little lost in the shuffle of every day. Well, I'm rebuking that... I am going to be walking in peace and joy doing what the will of the Father is.
Currently I have a awesome husband who is a youth pastor and we have a 3 year old girl who is amazing. Soon we will have our little boy so one thing that is very clear to me is my role as a wife and mom. That is obviously something that I need to KEEP DOING. I know I can improve on being a wife and mother. So let me focus on that part just for a little bit. How can I be a better wife and mother? The first obvious answer to me is praying often and consistently. I have this little book of 31 days of prayer for my husband that I am challenging myself with to remind me to pray for him daily. So far I am enjoying it and I think I should create one for praying for your child/children. :) As a wife and mother I want to do a better job of things at home, organization, cleaning, cooking, and even loving!
As for working I work part time at the YMCA (5-8 hours a week) and I substitute teach at the local school district. I volunteer a lot of time at our church, helping my husband with youth, helping on Thursdays with Awana, Sunday School coordinator, and cleaning. So it is clear to see that is a load and it has been increasingly on my mind about what I need to keep doing and what I need to stop! I am seeking HIM for some help and direction in decisions and waiting for his peace to make any decisions.
As for other things likes goals or dreams or aspirations... i am trying to determine what is just from me and what the Lord has placed on my heart. I know God will give me the desires of my heart so i need to follow those things!
Well, that is all for one day! Look for more in the next day or two on my 2011 goals on what I need to start, stop, or keep doing!
"Delight yourself in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart" Ps. 37:4.