Theme of the Week
Embarrassing Moments
Hmmm... What has my darling Selah done that was so embarrassing?? I cant think of many actions that may have taken place but my daughter is a talker and can say some of the cutest and embarrassing things. I think one time she was naughty and pooped in the bath tub and then later that day told someone at church "i am naughty cause I poopied in the bath. LOL! More embarrassing for her then me! I will ponder more ideas cause I am sure there is something she did that embarrassed me but struggling to remember what it is.
Thought of one. I am 29 weeks pregnant and I am short so I look huge! Well we were out shopping and she all of a sudden lifted my shirt to talk to her brother. I was embarrassed because she whipped my shirt very high that I think I could have flashed someone. I am unsure if anyone saw but I had to tell her she cant do that! Now I am a bit more cautious when she tries to "talk to the belly."