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What will you be reading in 2011??

I am one of those people that does like to read but has to be in the mood and have the right book to read.  I am picky.  I really do not get into books that are fiction I always have been a non fiction reader since I think 8th grade when I read the tear jerker "A Child Called It"  If you have not already read this book I highly recommend hitting up your local library and reading it.  It is a very short book but no fear he has several other books he has written.  I know reading this book helped me as a young teen to realize I wanted to make a difference in the lives of a children and make sure I am aware of them.  Child abuse is a scary thing and trust me this book is non fiction and hearing what the author went through is morbid but will change you.  

So one more thing I have been thinking about for 2011 is what books I should put on my list to read.  I did read some fantastic books in 2010 including "I'll Have what She's Having" by Bobbie Houston.  "In this book, Bobbie speaks openly, honestly and warmly of her conviction that all women, including those in leadership and ministry, ought to live lives that are the ultimate example of Christ-influenced character."  It was a great encouraging book and made me even more excited to be the wife of a pastor! :)  MY HUBBY IS THE BEST... sorry just have to add that in there.  

The book I am currently reading was a gift from my hubby and its called "The Sacred Romance, drawing closer to the heart of God."  The first chapter was amazing and I am currently on chapter 3 and looking forward to finishing it.  My prayer for this year is to draw closer and closer to God to have that sacred romance that we can read about in Song of Solomon and many other chapters in the bible.  It is so amazing to know that I am the apple of HIS eye!  HE LOVES ME and he shows it too!  :) 

So I think for 2011 I want to pick out 6 books to read.  I know many people can read 6 books in a month and I am hoping to finish 6 books in a year, but do note that my first priority in reading daily is my devotional time in my bible.  Currently I am still working on the life journal plan to read the bible in a year... or my case 2 years.  I use a great tool that helps me know what to read each day.  I also like to do whats called SOAP (scripture, observation, application, and prayer)  So as I read my portion for the day I reflect or meditate on one scripture and journal the scripture, observation, application, and prayer.  It is fun to go back and read some of the things i journaled over the year.  

Back to picking out 6 books.  I want one to be a encouraging devotional type of book, one to help with finances or budgeting, one to discuss prayer, one to be on leadership and influence, and possibly one on organization, and last but not least parenting.   

Anyone have any suggestions?  What will you be reading this year? 

Here are a few possible choices for me.  (I say possible because I am hoping to check out at the library rather then purchasing so it depends on what is offered here)  

For a encouraging Devo type of book I think I would like to read:  "Calm My Anxious Heart: A Woman's Guide to Finding Contentment"  The book is described as this: "Although many Christian women say they trust God, their lives are filled with worry and anxiety-about their children, their finances, their relationships, their jobs. They know their lives should be characterized by faith in God, but they're unsure of how to get that kind of faith. This book and twelve-week study helps women grow in contentment as they address the barriers to contentment and how to overcome them."  In 2010 worry has snuck up on me.  It was evident I had anxiety and fear about getting new renters in our house, but God had his perfect timing and has provided a renter for us. I also have had fears about child number 2 coming.  This last Sunday at church a lady prayed over me and declared no more fear or stress!!   It is clear to me that I want to learn to calm my anxious heart and have contentment and fully have a heart that will TRUST MY HEAVENLY FATHER!  

Finances or budgeting i would like to pick one that will be fun and interesting not just here is how to get out of debt.  So I think reading "America's Cheapest Family Gets You Right on the Money: Your Guide to Living Better, Spending Less, and Cashing in on Your Dreams"  During 2010 I have found new ways to save and spend less.  It has become a passion now to learn how to get great deals and save and pinch my pennies.  In 2010 I learned how to shop at Wal-greens and get many things for free!!!!  YES I SAID FREE.  I learned that there are several stores that have online coupons that can be paired with manufacture coupons making your savings awesome!  :) I learned how much I could save by clipping coupons and buying things only when on sale!  I think this book will continue to help me save more and spend less!  :) A great thing when our family is getting bigger.  :) 

The third book on prayer.  I have read several books on prayer, but this year I have decided to make praying a top priority each day.  So to keep my reminded on what prayer is I would like to read "The Possibilities of Prayer."  EM Bounds says in this book:  "Prayer should be the breath of our breathing, the thought of our thinking, the soul of our feeling, and the life of our living, the sound of our hearing, the growth of our growing. Prayer in its magnitude is length without end, width without bounds, height without top, and depth without bottom. Illimitable in its breadth, exhaustless in height, fathomless in depths and infinite in extension."  When I read that I was all about wanting to get this book!  Words that will speak to my heart and encourage me in my daily communication with my heavenly Father!  :) 

The fourth book I am considering is "Maxwell 3-in-1 Special Edition (The Winning Attitude / Developing the Leaders Around You / Becoming a Person of Influence)"  I want to read a book that will develop me as a better leader.  It is becoming more and more clear that as a wife to a pastor it is just as important for the wife to be a person of a good attitude, a leader, and a person of GODLY influence.  I have read a Maxwell story before and I know he is a Christian pastor so I look forward to hearing his leadership stories within the book.  

And the fifth book... ORGANIZATION!  Everyone needs to find the best way to organize and I am in the process of trying to find a way that works for my family.  Still not sure what book I will read but I saw this one and read some reviews.  "Organized Simplicity: The Clutter-Free Approach to Intentional Living" is the book i chose for my organization book.  

Last but not least is a parenting book.  I am stuck on 2 choices.  The first is called "Guilt-Free Motherhood: Parenting with Godly Wisdom" by Julianna Slattery  or "Parenting Your Infant/Toddler by the Spirit: Yes, you can lay the foundation for a godly character." by Sally Hohnberger.  Both sound awesome so maybe I will read both.  

Ok so this is my 3rd entry in 2 days... don't expect me to blog this often!  I am just really trying to figure out my start, stop, and keep doing for 2011!  


Morgueangel said…
I'm attempting to read David Needham's "Birthright" and the follow up book (Can't think of the title...). Reading isn't really a "challenge" for me as I love it but actually FOCUSING on what is being taught is a challenge :)
I also want to re-read "Shepherding a Child's Heart."
I have not read Shepherding a childs heart but have not yet. :) Maybe we should do a little book study... even just an online one like a facebook group and discuss it? :)

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