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I LOVE....


HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!  I have heard many people saying they hate Valentines Day.  I think many people assume this day is for dating or married couples but I think differently.  I mean don't get me wrong me and my husband did exchange gifts this year but Valentines day is not just about loving my spouse.  

I love to reflect on how much JESUS loves me and how much I pray my love for him would continue to increase!  I like to think about the blessings he has given me great family and friends and show or tell them my love for them.  The greatest commandment that Jesus gave us is to love our neighbors as ourself.  :)  WE MUST BE LOVING!  So on this LOVE holiday who do you need to show love to?  Who should you call and tell that you are thankful for their friendship and you love them?  

Take some time and reflect on the LOVE JESUS has for you and how he has changed your life.  If you are reading this and wondering what I am talking about send me a message because I would love to share with you about the love JESUS has for you too!  

Well, HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!  I pray a special blessing on all my family, friends, and blog followers!  


Mama to 5 said…
That's beautiful! Following back from Friday Blog Hop - thank you for joining! Happy Valentine's Day! ♥
<>< Nicole
Tracy said…
Stopping by from the blog hop - following you now and GFC!
Looking forward to your visit @
Happy Valentine's Day!
Raise your hand if you agree....mine is up :) sorry i'm around kids all the time that sometimes rubs I was going to stop by and say happy valentines day that I wanted to spread some love to my favorite people but you beat me to the punch by already catching me. Any hoo, thanks for hanging out w/ me as often as you do and your post said it so very well! I find myself saying at least 25 times a day..."I love you Lord you are my strength" I never want to forget my first took me years to understand His love to, even to find it and accept it, and to walk in it daily! I wish you a day filled w/ lotsa love which leads to hope and joy!
I was reading a Joyce Meyer book (I think it was her) and it was 'talking' about the same thing. What if we focused on approaching everything with love? How different would all of our interactions be. Everyday could be "Valentine's Day".

Great post.
Following from Monday Mingle blog hop. (review opportunities under media)
‎1 John 4:8, "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.
I think I like this verse much better:

‎"To love Him with all your heart, with all your understanding, and with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself is more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices." -- Mark 12:33

Happy Valentines day!
I agree... I've read several blogs today that said, "I hate Valentine's Day." I think that's sad. I can understand the dislike of the commercialism, but LOVE is what life's about... our love for God, and for each other, since we are His creations. This day is a great reminder of that.
Kathryn said…
Found your blog via the blog hop and was delighted to see your godly perspective and encouragement this day. God is so good, and all love stems from him and his selfless gift on the cross.

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