I was just awarded the Stylish Blogger Award from The Imperfect Photo Addict! THANKS SO MUCH!! Go check her blog out!
This is my second award and I feel blessed for the award. It is very encouraging to get an award.
So with the award I have to list a few things about me and then pick a couple blogs who I think should be awarded.
Facts about me:
- My daughter was born 4 weeks early but her orginal due date would have marked the 5 year anniversary of my mom's passing. My son I am expecting any day is due on my mom's birthday. She would be 55 years old if she was still here.
-We own a house but we are renting it out and we are renting our selves. Kinda strange but it works since we had to move.
-My daughter who is 3 asks to watch the Biggest Loser with me almost every day. LOL
-I want to get a new vehicle that will fit the kids better.
-Not going to lie... the gas prices are a bit frightening.
-I love to worship GOD!
-My best feature according to me is my blue eyes. :)
1. Undeserved Grace - I love her blog. She has a great Thankful Thursday post/hop that is inspiring!
2. Walking by His Grace- I love her background and her encouraging posts! :)

4. Oil in my Lamp-Honestly I JUST LOVE the name of her blog... it is cute too but it always reminds me to double check and make sure my priorities are GOD first as I do not want to run out of oil when my King returns! I LOVE THIS BIBLE STORY!!

5. Mama to 4 Blessings- I get great ideas for crafts and she is encouraging me to home school.

And remember, if you choose to accept the award, please follow the rules! Post the award with a link back to this. Then list 7 random facts about yourself. Last but not least award others who you think deserve this! Have fun :)
Would love for you to stop by www.aubutfamily.com
Have a great weekend!
PS- Love your blog and am now goign to check out the other Christian blogs! : )
Thanks again!
Do check out the award on my blog, http://flippertail.blogspot.com/2011/03/one-lovely-blog-award.html. Thanks!
Sorry that it took so long to visit your blog! I want to thank you for visiting and linking up to Friendly Wednesday!
Have a great week!