I thought I would give a sneak peak at some things you can expect to read on my blog.
Currently I have 2 giveaways going on!
Make sure you enter them!
Coming in the next couple weeks I will be reviewing and holding a giveaway on "The Juppy" (the first baby walker that can fit in your purse!) Confused?? I was too but just wait it is a really neat product and I am excited to share more about it.
I also will be reviewing a Pilates DVD. I am setting some new weight loss goals so you should all hold me accountable! :)
I was also chosen as part of a panel for Infantino products and will be testing a product that they send me. :) I am looking forward to seeing what my lil man thinks of it. :)
I am hoping to find more products to review and do giveaways! :) So exciting and fun and now I am using rafflecopter so entering the giveaway is quick and easy! :)
Well I am starting to get some ideas and lessons set to start a more organized and fun preschool for Selah.
We will continue to work on number recognition and I want her to learn all the letters in her name. That is our first focus. :)
Last night she helped me dye beans and noodles for some colorful crafty fun. So look for some new posts on our crafts on how we will use the noodles and beans. I will share our recipe too. :)
Baby Milestones:
A post will soon be out about Titus eating his first cereal and a post about him turning 5 months old. Time flies and I blessed to have this little guy in my life! :) He is such a happy baby.
Hubby is having a birthday in a couple weeks. I want to buy him a nice watch so if anyone see's a sweet deal send it my way!
Baby Milestones:
A post will soon be out about Titus eating his first cereal and a post about him turning 5 months old. Time flies and I blessed to have this little guy in my life! :) He is such a happy baby.
Hubby is having a birthday in a couple weeks. I want to buy him a nice watch so if anyone see's a sweet deal send it my way!
I might not have many posts next week as we have a busy week ahead. My brother is getting married! :) I am very excite for him so there will be many family activities planned starting on Thursday-Monday! We have plans to get to Minnesota to a zoo and maybe a lake or even Mall of America. Busy but fun week ahead for us! Anyone want to do a guest post on my blog next week?? Just leave a comment with your email address or email me at aprillivingwell@gmail.com
Also, I have been considering about moving from blogger to wordpress??? Still stuck in my thoughts on what to do. :( Praying for some guidance. :) Any advice??
I am happy to share that within the last few days I have gained over 100 likes on facebook! THANKS I love all my wonderful followers and hope you enjoy all the posts! YOU ALL ROCK!
So that gives you all a heads up on what you can expect from Praises of a Wife and Mommy!!! :)
Also, I have been considering about moving from blogger to wordpress??? Still stuck in my thoughts on what to do. :( Praying for some guidance. :) Any advice??
I am happy to share that within the last few days I have gained over 100 likes on facebook! THANKS I love all my wonderful followers and hope you enjoy all the posts! YOU ALL ROCK!
So that gives you all a heads up on what you can expect from Praises of a Wife and Mommy!!! :)
Soooo many exciting things
going on! You know, hubby
loves watch too and he
particularly likes the ones from
tokyoflash. I don't have a deal
nor do they normally give deals
but you might want to check
them out. They have ultra
original watches - just a
warning, they're kinda geek
watches :-D
Are your giveaways
international? :-)
Spanish Pinay