This week we went to Green Bay's New Zoo. This is a smaller zoo but I really love their feature of feeding the giraffe's. :) My daughter loves giraffe's and this allows her to get right up in their faces and feed them and touch them. I never got to do that when I was a little girl. Recently they just started a program to feed the pelican's too but this year we did not do that. Selah had no interest in the Pelican's but could have stayed by the giraffe's all day long. Their is also a petting zoo within the zoo and you can feed them. Do you have a local zoo that you enjoy? I am still hoping to get over to Minnesota to visit the Minnesota Zoo or Como Zoo. Como Zoo is free and very nice but Minnesota Zoo has a IMAX and that would be fun too. What is your favorite zoo? I have never been to Madison's Zoo and that is closer so maybe we will try that one. :)
Here are a few of the captured moments.
Here are a few of the captured moments.
Have a great weekend!
Hopping by and saying hello from the hop! Already a follower!