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Only GOD...

I saw this quote and I had to share it!  I 


"Only GOD can turn a mess into a 

MESSage, a test into a TESTimony, a trial 

into a TRIumph, a victim into a 

VICTORY....GOD is GOOD...all the time!!" 

:) ~ Chad Ochocinco

God is good all the time, all the time God 

is good.

Have you thought about what mess you 

were in or struggle??  Well have you 

ever thought about how your story could

be shared with someone and your 

testimony could open the door for them 

to come to know JESUS??  

Share your stories!  


Spanish Pinay said…
I loved this too and I believe every word written.

Aren't you on a roll? Everytime I refresh my blog, I see yours on top of my blog list with the latest update :-D

on the other hand, I've joined socialsparks with your referral. I didn't realize too that I've already joined blogsvertise a couple of months ago and was approved on the same day. But I haven't received any offer yet. There must be something I have to do like a follow up? Dunno.. or maybe advertisers have just noticed my site yet :-D

Spanish Pinay

I think I just made you like a personal helpdesk on blogsvertise... sorry!!!!
:) That is funny I keep coming up as the latest update! LOL

Awesome, I am still new to socialsparks myself. :)

Personal Helpdesk?? I am confused?
Spanish Pinay said…
Personal helpdesk coz I've been asking you questions :-D

Spanish Pinay
Twingle Mommy said…
My husband and I have endured the hardest year of our life. In the last year my son was diagnosed with cerbal palsy, we lost our business, and we are being sued from that business. Yep this last year has SUCKED!
Just last week we were talking and we agree that our marriage is stronger than ever. We both feel like our relationship with God has grown more in the last year than in the last 5. I wouldn't have thought that was possible this time last year.
Thanks for sharing the quote!
Kelly L said…
This post is something I had to read today... thanks
I've Become My Mother
I've Become My Mother facebook
Spanish P- I will help as much as I can. :)

Twingle Mommy- I will be praying for you and your family, remember he will provide all your needs and AMEN that your relationship with God is stronger and your marriage is great! :)

Kelly L- Always nice to know someone read it who needed it. :)

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