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"Something Inside of Me" Review and Giveaway

I had the opportunity to receive a free copy and a copy to giveaway of the book "Something Inside of Me" "How to hang on to Heaven when you're going through Hell" by Chitoka Webb.  So read my review and then enter for your chance to win a copy of the book using the easy rafflecopter form on the bottom.  

My Thoughts:
I was very excited to read this book as I felt this was going to be an inspiring story from a Christian women.  The story is not long and is a very easy and quick read but also very well written.  So if you don't have much time then this would be a great story to read.  I read this a few times before bed and while breastfeeding my little boy.  

I was amazed at the drive that Chitoka (Toke) had throughout the entire story.  With a background growing up in the housing projects of Nashville by a single mother most people would use that as a pity story and not work hard but not Chitoka.  She was the opposite she had drive and determination that borders an unhealthy measure.  She tells her story about how she went from not being able to graduate High School with her class to how she opened up more then one business to then sharing a horrifying and heartbreaking story of health issues. 

I liked how the story progressed but I do have one negative.  I fully don't understand her faith beliefs.  She mentions God and faith but from my perspective my heart was aching as I don't think she fully and 100% surrendered her all to our Most High Daddy God.   She talks about a faith adviser and she mentions prayer often but I still have this odd feeling that she does not have that one on one connection and true relationship you get when you let Christ forgive you and take his free gift.  I could be totally wrong and if so I am very sorry but I got the feeling that she was very new age??  It was odd!  I got that feeling a couple times but one when she was talking about "her something" which she did refer to God but then called it "my something" rather then Holy spirit guidance.  Needless to say it confused me.  I just want to throw out there that yes you have strength but I claim and hold onto Phillipians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me."  

I love the fact that she did not give up after not graduating with her High School class but allowed it to catapult her into figuring out what she wanted to work towards.  If I was given one word to describe Chitoka it would be "hard worker."  She worked at the age of 13 then worked 2 jobs for much of her life. It just seemed like work was her comfort and her drive.  I am not sure if she was trying to prove to someone so she worked extra hard or if she just wanted to prove she could do it.  Needless to say that if are looking for a reading to get excited and believe in yourself then pick up this book because Chitoka is determined and proves hard work pays off.  



Anonymous said…
My best friend whose name is Glorious, really....really could use a book like this right now. I have my fingers crossed that I win so I can pass it to her.

Diane Melendez

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