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Phone App-review and Giveaway

Have you heard of the app called, Baby Monitor and Alarm,  which was named as one of the Top 25 Apps For Parents by  

Here are the main features:
Phone Alert Function –  The app triggers a call to any other phone number when there is noise in the baby’s room for longer than a specified time.
Sweet Dreams – Plays a lullaby or fairy tale to help a baby or child gently drift off to sleep.
Mother's Voice – Mom and/or Dad can record a brief, soothing message for their baby that will play when baby needs a little help getting back to sleep.
Activity Log – Records the night time activities and noises in baby’s room so that they can be reviewed in the morning.
Application Settings – The settings are fully customizable, providing an experience perfectly tailored to both parents and baby.

My thoughts:
I was very eager to try this app out since I have 2 children and one is only 5 months old so he wakes up often. This app works well for me when I am out and about at a friends house or cleaning the church. One thing I have been needing is something like this for when I am at church. I spend a lot of time there cleaning and getting things prepared for children's church or youth group. So I can easily lay my baby down and turn the app on and leave him. The phone has settings so you can choose to be notified after 10 seconds of noise from baby or you can wait minutes. You can play a recording of mom or dad's voice or a calming lullaby. I also really enjoyed the activity log feature because it is very nice to know how long your child slept.

This week we went to a bon fire and it was late so I laid my little guy down and turned the app on. After a couple of minutes my husbands phone rang alerting us of our little guy. When you answer the phone you can hear your baby and determine if it is just a little whine or a terrible help me cry. Well my little guy was not in his bed and not falling asleep. The app allowed me to go back outside after calming my little guy. About 20 minutes later my husbands phone rang again and lil man was still not sleeping but fussing. Overall the app allowed me a little peace of mind to enjoy my time and I was happy when the phone call alerted us to go check on our little guy. I know in a couple more weeks I have a meeting at church and lil man will be coming with and hopefully taking a nap I will be able to use the application again. :)

I was happy when I was using the app and my phone rang it did not sound the ringer. I just noticed I had a missed call when I turned the app off. :) AWESOME!

General questions

  • How to use the Baby Monitor & Alarm application?
  • Just put your phone near to your baby and press the Start button. Based on your settings, the phone will work as a Baby Monitor - it will call you when your baby becomes noisy, or it will just record the noise in the room without making a call.
  • How far should the phone be from my baby?
  • The microphone of the phone is quite sensitive so that it is not necessary to place it too close - 1,5 to 2 meters from your baby is the ideal distance.
  • It is useful, that your application is recording all the noise in a room, so that I can replay it later. But I want to save this recording to my computer!
  • Yes, this is possible! In the Activity Log, start Play on the selected item to replay the noise. When you do this, the Email button will appear. If you click on this button, you can email the selected recording to your email address.
  • It concerns me that the iPhone LCD has to stay on...
  • You should not put the iPhone into Sleep mode, but you can switch the LCD off! We are using a proximity sensor which switchesoff the LCD, when you put something on the top part of the iPhone. Running the Baby Monitor automatically enables this function.
So do you want to win this app for your phone? First you need a Droid or a iphone. If you have and iphone and you win you will recive a code to get a free download of this app. If you have a Droid like me then you will be sent via paypal the money 3.45 for the app so you can download it. (*Droid does not offer codes so that is why you will be reimbursed before you make your purchase.)


Lillea said…
My favorite feature is Sweet Dreams :)

contactlillea at gmail dot com

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