Day 27:
Dress Up!
Play prompt:
Have a rummage through the dressing up box (if you have one!) or your own drawers and find some interesting dressing up items. Get the whole family to put something on and then make up a story, sing a song, dance, play imaginatively together!
Dress up is one of Selah's favorite things to do but we did things a little different today. We had a lot of running around and hustle and bustle with shopping and Christmas play practice. So Ballerina's do need a bath so she had fun in her little tutu in the bath tub. :) I mean what is not fun about dressing up in your bath?? :)
She and her friend did just dress up on Thanksgiving and they had a lot of fun. :)

Have a rummage through the dressing up box (if you have one!) or your own drawers and find some interesting dressing up items. Get the whole family to put something on and then make up a story, sing a song, dance, play imaginatively together!
She and her friend did just dress up on Thanksgiving and they had a lot of fun. :)
