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Praises of a Wife and Mommy has teamed up with some bloggers to bring you this giveaway. Praises of a Wife and Mommy has not been given this product to conduct a review but rather has teamed up with other bloggers to bring it to all our readers. Good luck!
Welcome to the Healthy And Trim Giveaway sponsored by Meg's Moxie! Are you looking to get healthier and more trim this summer? Enter this fantastic giveaway and win the chance to try some awesome products valued at $300!

We've purchased a one month supply of It Works Ultimate Body Applicator Wraps from Angie's Wraps to give away!

PLUS, we have a one month supply of Body By Vi Health Products from Body By Vi With Michelle F. This includes:
- One bag of Vi Shape Shake Mix
- Vi-Trim Appetite Control Packets
- Sample Flavor Packets To Add To Shakes
- 3 Boxes of Neuro Smart Energy Mix
On top of this, we have $20 PayPal to Give Away as well for you to shop with!
This giveaway begins 6/30 at 12:01am EST and ends 7/14 at 12:01am EST. Please enter on the easy Rafflecopter giveaway below. It is not necessary to like all Facebook pages, but doing so will get you extra entries! Any questions or issues with this giveaway, please contact Meg@megsmoxie.com. Good Luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway