I adore it and I love seeing how much love they each have for each other. I pray that the love and time that my hubby and I have for our children grows. We never want our children to have to fill our time and love with someone else.
I also want to talk about the 4th of July celebration we attended! IT WAS AWESOME!!! I really felt like it did such a great job of being patriotic! Most of the time now you go see fireworks and that is it, people are having BBQ's and having fun but we neglect to remember how and why we are celebrating our INDEPENDENCE! At this celebration there were 2 characters who shared some history with us, Abe Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson. It was a breath of fresh air to listen and remember the start of this great country...especially with this year being an election year!!! After they were done with the speeches they started playing "I am Proud to be an American" which then led into fireworks and more and more songs. All the songs were patriotic and some were hymns! I had never been to a firework presentation like this one and I am already planning on going back to it next year!! :)
I also have a praise report that my 15 month old was not scared of the fireworks, he kept his eyes on them the whole time! HE LOVED THEM!!! :) My daughter has always enjoyed them too!
Happy 4th of July everyone... Stay safe! :) :) :)