A baby girl was just so excited to meet us that she arrived 4 weeks early on a nice warm day in September in 2007.
She was beautiful and perfect and we named her Selah meaning to pause and reflect. A name that on most days she lives up too. :)
I never knew how fast the first five years would go but every year was fun and I am so blessed to be your mommy!
In 2008, we celebrated you turning 1 and we had a fishy theme. Your cake was chocolate and you loved it but you were nice and even tried to share it with all your guests. What a funny memory and your little friends came to your high chair and you fed them. :)

Butterflies were the next theme when you turned 2! I even made a butterfly shirt just for you! :) You were one happy girl to have a special crown and you had a lot of fun when some family and a few friends came over. We played outside and enjoyed pizza, cake, and ice cream. :)
2010 came and with that came your fascination with everything PRINCESS! You were a very beautiful princess in your purple sparkly dress that your Nana bought you! We had your party at church because you had so many friends to invite. We played some fun princess games and you were a lovely little princess.
Your love of princess's did not fade in 2011 since you were in love with the new Disney princess, Rapunzle from Tangled. I think you have seen that movie over a 100 times. You are still trying to grow your hair out to be like her. :)
Special friends even special ordered your cake and it was your favorite part! The cake was so yummy and Rapunzle was in the middle of the cake! :) So sweet!! :)
You had a lot of fun with your "Tangled" party. You even got to wrap daddy up just like Rapunzle did to Flynn Rider. :)
Pinkalicous was the theme for 2012 as you turned 5! 5!!! How can you be 5 already? The day was pinktastic!
You were blessed with some nice friends to come celebrate with you and you had several fun activities to do with them. We made wands just like Pinkalicous had, made straw bracelets, played outside with chalk spray and ate some yummy cake. You loved your cake, it was so beautiful with Pinkalicous and a cupcake on it! :)
Dear Selah,
Thank you for being you! :) God created you on purpose, for a purpose! It is a blessing and a joy to help you find your gifts and talents and I am so proud to call you my daughter.
I am a little emotional that you are 5 already but I am thrilled to see how God uses you in the next years to come.
My biggest advice for you my little 5 year old... is to keep loving on God and stay bold for HIM! I love to hear your heart and hear your prayers. Keep worshiping him, loving on others, and being one dangerous little girl who is going to change a generation for HIS GLORY!
You are loved, you are a treasure, you are a princess of the most high God!
I know boys are already in the picture but keep them as friends! :) Your first day of school you kept talking about a "Nathan" and it was adorable!
Your favorite things right now include: Pink, dresses, gymnastics, movies, princess's, and running. You also love to do arts and craft projects, and baking. :)
I love you so so much!!!
Enjoy being 5! :)
She was beautiful and perfect and we named her Selah meaning to pause and reflect. A name that on most days she lives up too. :)
I never knew how fast the first five years would go but every year was fun and I am so blessed to be your mommy!

Butterflies were the next theme when you turned 2! I even made a butterfly shirt just for you! :) You were one happy girl to have a special crown and you had a lot of fun when some family and a few friends came over. We played outside and enjoyed pizza, cake, and ice cream. :)
2010 came and with that came your fascination with everything PRINCESS! You were a very beautiful princess in your purple sparkly dress that your Nana bought you! We had your party at church because you had so many friends to invite. We played some fun princess games and you were a lovely little princess.
Your love of princess's did not fade in 2011 since you were in love with the new Disney princess, Rapunzle from Tangled. I think you have seen that movie over a 100 times. You are still trying to grow your hair out to be like her. :)
Special friends even special ordered your cake and it was your favorite part! The cake was so yummy and Rapunzle was in the middle of the cake! :) So sweet!! :)
You had a lot of fun with your "Tangled" party. You even got to wrap daddy up just like Rapunzle did to Flynn Rider. :)
You were blessed with some nice friends to come celebrate with you and you had several fun activities to do with them. We made wands just like Pinkalicous had, made straw bracelets, played outside with chalk spray and ate some yummy cake. You loved your cake, it was so beautiful with Pinkalicous and a cupcake on it! :)
Dear Selah,
Thank you for being you! :) God created you on purpose, for a purpose! It is a blessing and a joy to help you find your gifts and talents and I am so proud to call you my daughter.
I am a little emotional that you are 5 already but I am thrilled to see how God uses you in the next years to come.
My biggest advice for you my little 5 year old... is to keep loving on God and stay bold for HIM! I love to hear your heart and hear your prayers. Keep worshiping him, loving on others, and being one dangerous little girl who is going to change a generation for HIS GLORY!
You are loved, you are a treasure, you are a princess of the most high God!
I know boys are already in the picture but keep them as friends! :) Your first day of school you kept talking about a "Nathan" and it was adorable!
Your favorite things right now include: Pink, dresses, gymnastics, movies, princess's, and running. You also love to do arts and craft projects, and baking. :)
I love you so so much!!!
Enjoy being 5! :)