I had an awesome vision in my head of what the hubby and I could go as but sadly my husband was out of town on work meetings and the cost was $25 per person. A bit to high for our budget. The kids run was free so that was a blessing.
My kids have had these super hero costumes since they were clearanced off last year after Halloween. Happily they are getting great use out of them. My daughter had to wear hers for an AWANA Night last spring. I also had the kids pictures taken in them for a birthday present for the hubby. :)
I had fun cheering on my lil loves! I had Selah start when they did the count down and then put Titus down to try to chase her. :) He did. He fell behind but he had fun. They each got a blue ribbon and felt accomplished. :)
They also won runner up in the costume contest! :) I have lots of ideas for next year and Lord willing we will be able to participate as a family. :)