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Bible Quizzing- Mini Message

I had a great opportunity a week ago to deliver a short message to all the students at our Bible Quiz Match.  I struggled coming up with a theme for the message.  I had a month to prepare but who waited till the day before... THIS CHICK!  I have no idea why I do that... I really had been thinking about it and several times I sat down to read and seek what God wanted me to say but I remained a blank slate.  Thankfully as I sat down the day before it just all clicked and I knew what I wanted to say.  :)  BIG RELIEF!  

The youth group was going to first lead us in worship so right away I made a request for them to play "The Anthem" by Jake Hamilton.  Since I knew that song was going to be played it really allowed me to focus on delivering a message with agreeing with the many truths in that song.  

So here are my notes from what I shared... 

One thing that we have started doing as a church here at Living Well is Declarations.  We proclaim and declare with our mouths and from our tongue come good things, heavenly things, life giving words!  

Sadly as a youth pastor the number one thing I say to students is watch your tongue... there is life and death in it.  
Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits. Proverbs 18:21---- Raise your hand if I have said that to you???

I know I have heard these many lies from your mouths...from my own mouth- “I’m a failure” “I’m ugly”  “I’m too Short”  “Too Tall”  “I’m fat”  “I’m not good enough”  “I’m getting sick”  “I’m going to fail that test”  “I CAN’T DO IT” “I can’t get a job.”  

In Matthew 12:37- “For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned”   

Also in Proverbs 23:7 says, “As a man think in his heart, so is he.”  

So they way we think and talk about ourselves will affect our lives!  When you came to the loving Knowledge of JESUS you need to remember who you are in Him

If we are stuck believing these lies from the enemy we are forgetting who we are in Christ.   
I am fearfully and wonderfully made
I am a princess of the most High God
I am Royalty
You have been set free
           You are made in HIS image
           I’m going to shake history
I am a world changer for Christ
           GOD does not make mistakes- He made you on purpose for a purpose
         God Loves me, Jesus Died for me
You are going to touch many lives for JESUS

So start your day declaring and remembering who you are in CHRIST!  As your in the shower declare you are the LIGHT at your SCHOOL, declare you are a world changer, Shout out that you are HIS BELOVED!  Walking from class to class or to school, or even sitting on the toilet!  SHOUT IT OUT... BELIEVE IT and don’t forget to rebuke the lies of the enemy.  YOU ARE A WINNER not a FAILURE and not matter what YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL and made in CHRIST’S Image!  I can be who God has created me to be!

Not only can we do this for ourselves but we can be proclaiming and Declaring for our school, church, neighborhood, state, nation, world!  

Today before we go back to quizzing what lie have you been believing?  REBUKE It and declare a truth over you life.  Lets go back into that awesome song and WORSHIP.  

Prayer- Anthony Worship Team


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