Homeowner Referral Network
Just like many mom's I too have made the decision to stay home with my children while they are young. After I had my daughter the idea of going back to teaching was frightening but by the Grace and direction from God we have learned to be more frugal and constantly trusting HIM for all things. Work from home is an idea that every mom should consider and this program is one you should look into and see if it is right for you.
Starting your own at home based business can be a scary thing since there are many scams out there but this is not a scam. The start up costs are there because it is an investment in your future. If there were no start up costs then most likely the "its too good to be true" saying could be applied.
If you are willing to still work hard and stay home with your children then sign up today! There will be help and coaching along the way.
So what is HRN?
Homeowner Referral Network is a local referral service for homeowners looking for pre-screened home improvement contractors.
You earn money by commission from a contractor after work has been secured for them from a homeowner. Mom's or anyone who choose this line of at home work can chose their hours. Majority of HRN's work is spent on the phone. This is not a multi level scheme or a franchise!!
Sounds great, right? I know you must have more questions so feel free to check and find your answers on their questions and facts page.
More about Homeowner Referral Network:
Work from home with a Homeowner Referral Network®.
HRN was started by just one stay-at-home mom — that’s me — and I have a strict “kids underfoot” test for all my business practices.
You can operate an HRN business using just a laptop and a phone, and it’s a pure people business; no tech savvy required. If you can make good judgments, give honest assessments of contractors, and be yourself, you can do this. I promise.