It happened on 7/3/13, another reminder to me that my children are growing up!!! I knew it would be any day since her tooth was barely hanging on. My daughter was sitting at the dinner table and while eating she said, "my tooth came out!" She was grinning from ear to ear and so thrilled. Even with a little blood there were no tears but just excitement! YAY!
I know the second tooth will be out soon too. Soon she will enter that awkward tooth stage. You know the one that creates funny smiles!
Dear Selah,
It was so fun watching your excitement when you first realized you had a lose tooth to the end when you lost it. I am amazed at your maturity at 5 years old. I will continue to pray for you and your bright future but my heart wants to hang on to you and not allow you to get any older. Maybe it's a protection thing, maybe it's myself who does not want to get older, or maybe its my way of not wanting the world to hurt or cause you pain as you get older. All I can tell you is I will always be praying for you, I will always be your #1 fan, and I will try my hardest to protect you. As I watch you grow up I watch you fall more and more in love with Jesus and I pray that I would always be held accountable in raising you in TRUTH, teaching you who you are in Christ! You my sweet little girl are royalty, a princess of the most high God, and you my dear will shake history- You are a world changer! I know God has big plans for you- I am having fun watching Him already use you.
I love you and I am excited for you to use your cool coupons for losing your first tooth.
Love Mommy