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Medical Finance Tips for Single Moms

As a single mom, it can be scary to navigate the medical world. Obviously medical attention is often necessary, but insurance terminology and a lack of 
clarity on out-of-pocket cost induce stress and anxiety– especially when you’re the only breadwinner of the family. Even though you’re leading the family on your own, you may not be alone when it comes to confronting your medical needs and fears. If you’re struggling with the cost of medical bills for you or your family, take a look at your community resources to find out if one of these options might be available for you.

Government Funded Programs
The government offers many assistance programs for which single mothers can qualify. With the added expenses of being a single mother, it can be difficult 
to afford the insurance provided by your workplace, and private insurance companies have even higher premiums that can seem even more impossible to obtain. Health insurance is important for you and your children, as well as the necessary funding to receive the health care you and your family need. If you have specific needs many government funded programs specifically offer health insurance for children as well as adults. Consult an individual who is knowledgeable but not an insurance agent if you’re looking to understand insurance terminology. Never sign up for something you don’t understand. Don’t be afraid to ask many questions to gain the understanding you need to make an informed decision. 

Walk-In Clinics 
Many local walk-in clinics often offer assistance programs, especially for lowincome individuals with ongoing medical needs, such as diabetes. Call your local clinics to find out if these programs are available. Even if certain clinics don’t offer programs, they may be able to tell you where to go to find assistance programs. It may take a bit of tenacity to hunt down the programs, but you’ll be glad when you do.

Debt Forgiveness

If you have outstanding medical bills and need assistance paying for them, it never hurts to ask for help. Write letters to the clinic to which you owe money, explaining your financial situation and asking of some of the amount might be reduced. In order to avoid a hit to your credit, establish a payment plan that works with your budget, and take care of that debt as soon as you can. It helps to have some emergency money saved up if you can. Start with $1,000 and try to work toward having 3-6 months’ expenses in your savings account to cover these 
emergency expenses in the future.

Single Mommie enjoys offering encouraging articles that help single mothers thrive.


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