Synopsis: In The Berenstain Bears Thanksgiving Blessings readers ride along with the Bear family on Thanksgiving Day as they travel to Grizzly Gran and Gramps’ house for a feast. Read along as the bears talk about what they should really be thankful for.
Description: The Berenstain Bears Thanksgiving Blessings
Ride along with the Bear family on Thanksgiving Day as Brother and Sister learn about all the things they---and YOU---can be thankful for … including faith, family, and the huge feast waiting for them at the end of their journey to Gramp’s and Gran’s. Includes a sheet of colorful stickers featuring the whole Bear family.
Review: This new Berenstain Bear book will be available August 20th and retail for $4.99. My kids have always enjoyed this series and this book is another reinforcing book of our faith. The book is a great Thanksgiving book that discusses some history but more importantly lists many things they are thankful for. All the items they are thankful for are parallel to children and adults who read the story. Reading it during summer might make you crave that Turkey dinner but before we know it the holiday will be here so pick it up later this month!