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Snickers Movie Prize Pack

About Snickers Monster Satisfaction

Who hasn’t felt like a rampaging menace at least once in their lives? Because let’s face it, You’re Not You When You’re Hungry! Even Godzilla is a regular, cool guy who can hang with his friends, just watch out for that sudden spell of hunger! Check it out in the new Snickers commercial! Only SNICKERS – and its delicious blend of chocolate, peanuts, caramel and nougat – can provide #MONSTERSATISFACTION and tame the savage beast!
To celebrate the release of the new Snickers “You’re Not You When You’re Hungry” commercial, Snickers wants to hear about your most satisfying movie experience. So tweet with the #MONSTERSATISFACTION hashtag about that incredible first date, or the first time you saw your favorite movie of all time on the big screen.

Check out the newest “You’re Not You When You’re Hungry” commercial featuring Godzilla.

Enter this awesome giveaway to win $15 Fandango gift card and 5 Snicker bars by using the easy rafflecopter form below.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I am working with Snickers for this promotion.  I was not paid for this promotion!  


Sandra said…
When should a kid start using a computer?
Unknown said…
Should I let my daughter use her computer on school nights?
Dana said…
My 2 1/2 year old doesn't watch TV or use the computer, and we don't have a Smartphone or tablet. Will this put him behind his peers later on because he didn't have early exposure?
Kim C. said…
When is a appropriate age to let my kids start using social networks?
Danielle Porter said…
There are all these show that re supposed to be educational, but are they really? If not does it make a difference whether my kid watches and educational show or just any cartoon?
MaryAnn said…
My children are 3 and 5 months and they don't use cellphones, computer, or video games and have limited tv watching. I don't have any questions yet.
corey1971 said…
How can I block the chat function on online games? (CoreyOlomon at gmail dot com)
Marija said…
At what age should I permit my child to have a cell phone?
Danalee said…
How can I protect them from pornography or other inappropriate things.
Unknown said…
what are the best content blocking sites or apps
Miranda said…
Are there any great educational apps?
Gary said…
How do you teach internet safety?
Dana said…
I have a teen...I discovered that she has accounts on Instagram, Twitter and Tumblr. I allowed her to have Facebook but not these others. How does other parents keep up with all of this?
slehan said…
No kids. No questions.
Thanks for the contest.

slehan at juno dot com
Hmmm, well my kids are all older and one so far has made technology his career choice. He is doing very well! I don't think video games are such a bad thing in all cases.
Julieanne said…
I guess I don't really have any questions about technology and my kids. I'm right there alongside 'em! :)
Emi said…
How can I block inappropriate material from my kids? We were once looking at at Sesame Street on You Tube and found out it was homemade and not appropriate.
Amy said…
Definitely how to keep the junk out! I'm so leery of the internet!

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