Thank you Violife for sending me the blue dog and pink cat Rockee toothbrush for review. I was not paid for this review and all opinions are my own.
Violife has several different types of toothbrushes that allow you to add a little personality and flare compared to your typical toothbrushes you see in the store. I received the two children's toothbrushes which not only have kept my son entertained during teeth brushing time but my son has time and time again asked to play with his toothbrush! It may sound strange but on some days my son refuses to brush his teeth but now he is always wanting his toothbrush because of the rocking motion and fun that occurs with the Rockee toothbrush from Violife.
Here is what you need to know about the Rockee toothbrush:
The Toothbrush that ROCKS!
Rockee rocks, wobbles, spins, and never tips over! Great for kids of all ages, this one-of-a-kind toothbrush will make you smile. It's unique rocking design means no more messy toothpaste on your counter. And since it always stands upright, Rockee dries easily and doesn't need a cup or toothbrush holder for storage.
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