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Guest Post- Top Places to Find Advice for Single Moms

The internet is full of advice for moms, and it’s become a place of community and encouragement for moms who hope to raise their children to be confident, independent individuals. Raising a child or children as a single mother can come with its own unique set of challenges, and while most mommy blogs will be helpful, some of them will lack understanding of the dynamics single mom’s face on a day-to-day basis. Here are a few great places go to in order to find good advice from single moms, or organizations that are invested in helping and encouraging single moms.

Blogs for Single Parents
Blogs for single moms do exist, but you may need to dig a little deeper to find them. Many of them also offer financial advice for securing grants and loans. Blogs can offer great community when you find a good one. Users often post comments and respond to one another, and some blogs even have built in chat rooms where users can interact with one another and the blog owner. It’s great to know that other single parents experience similar things. Beware that blogs can also be a platform for individuals who give advice too freely and believe everyone should do everything like they do. Take certain comments with a grain of salt. 

Community Groups
The internet makes it easier than ever to find groups of individuals who are also single parents and can support, encourage, and offer advice to one another. These are usually local groups that meet on a consistent basis, and are a great way to interact with other parents at every age, who are likely experiencing some of the same challenges you face and may be able to offer advice or just compassion. Meeting websites, and community websites likely have listings for the next meetings. Best of all, the meetings often include children, so it’s easy to get together without having to hire a babysitter.

Self-Help Books
Books aren’t obsolete, and the internet enhances the book-shopping experience, making user reviews readily available, so you can read others’ impressions before spending your money. If you’re dealing with a specific topic, such as discipline, autism, or instilling confidence in your children, many books are available written from a single-parent perspective. Search online before purchasing to peruse reviews and see if the author has written other books.


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