About Soothie Suckers

Over-the-counter and prescription drugs are being called into question due to overuse and regular recalls. Consumer concerns continue to escalate regarding the long-term use of these chemical-laden products with children. Soothie Suckers provides safe, convenient options for the millions of consumers demanding natural solutions.
Soothie Suckers provides great tasting, pre-measured herbal remedies formatted for children. These proprietary herbal formulas are packaged in ice pop pouches and come in two natural flavors (grape and orange) for daily or seasonal consumption. These first formulas help support the immune system and the upper respiratory system.

Are you already dreading the back-to-school slog?
I remember how difficult those months were when my kids (I have 5 of them!!) were small....ugh....searching for healthy alternatives in the OTC aisle, and being unable to find any options.
And then it hit me while reading some old history books. If natural plant remedies have been used for thousands of years... and we are still here....and the plants are still here....
Why not me? Why not here? Why not now?
Hi - my name is Marietta Harrison and I have been making herbal remedies for my children for the past 20 years. When my 5th child was born we decided to try to make something that would taste good.....and I developed Soothie Suckers the only all-natural ice pops infused with herbal remedies.

Soothie Suckers are the cool way to feel good!
The Soothie Suckers' product line launched with two herbal blends: Immune Support (Orange) and Nasal Support (Grape). These gentle blends were formulated in partnership with thePresident of the American Herbalists Guild, are sweetened with organic agave nectar and monk fruit and contain no artificial ingredients whatsoever.
Now, I can give my kids herbal supplements that are tasty, fun and all-natural!(The college kids take them to school too!!)
In addition to online availability at Amazon anddrugstore.com, we are in several natural foods chains in the Pacific Northwest including Whole Foods, New Seasons, PCC Natural Markets, Chuck's Produce and more - yep - we are from Portland, Oregon!
My Review:
I am always excited when I can find a good product for my kids. I am thrilled that these frozen pops have no food coloring and help my kids immune systems. We have been in school for a couple weeks and my kids are healthy. They enjoy the flavor which made me one happy mama and they have been asking me buy more! :) If you are like me and trying to find alternative all natural medicines instead of grabbing in the medicine cabinet then this is the next product to try! :)
I am also a fan of the website that lists the natural herbs that are used in the pops and how they help along with the history of it! Very interesting!
Nasal Support
Echinacea – Used by Native Americans and quickly adopted by European settlers, echinacea has become one of the most widely used herbs and is best known for its immune enhancing ability.
Pleurisy Root – Known to be used in North America for more than a thousand years, pleurisy root is most popularly used during the winter season.
Immune Support
Astragalus Root – One of the 50 fundamental herbs used in traditional Chinese medicine, astragalus is commonly used to strengthen the immune system and boost metabolism.
Mullein – A valued herb used by the Greek Dioscorides over 1800 years ago. It is also said that Mullein is the plant that Ulysses took with him on his legendary voyage.
Thyme – Best known today as a culinary spice, Thyme was grown in monasteries during the Middle Ages and has been used for centuries to promote overall health and well being. It was originally grown in the Mediterranean region and came to North America with the first colonists.