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Adventure Bible for Toddlers Review and Giveaway

About the Book

The Adventure Bible for Toddlers starts children ages 2-5 on the journey of a lifetime, teaching them about the Bible’s great stories and themes. It helps young children grow in their relationship with God using stories and art from the wildly popular Adventure Bible Storybook. With ten beautifully illustrated and beloved Bible stories from the Old and New Testament, this sturdy padded board book will stimulate toddlers’ minds and fill their hearts with love for their heavenly Father.

My Review
I have a 3 year old son and he fits the age group for this fabulous  Bible board book.   Each of the ten stories are stories that we have talked and discussed before which helped him make connections when we turned the page and he knew what the story was before even starting to read it.  I like board books for my son still because he can get a little rough still and I don't have to worry about pages being ripped.  Board books are also very easy for little fingers to help turn the pages so the kids are more active during story time!  

Giveaway Time
This book is a great present for Christmas but also for any expecting parent!  :)   Helping parents be able to share their faith with their children is so valuable so help share God with our little ones with this great Bible. 

Enter to win the Bible using the easy rafflecopter form below.  

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Emillie Rose said…
Daniel and the Lions Den!
Wow, that's a tough question. Maybe the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fire. Especially now, as we use a woodstove to heat our home, thinking about how incredible it was that they walked in the fire and were not burned.
Unknown said…
I've always loved the story of Moses.
Unknown said…
I like the story of Ruth :) but I also really like the story of the last supper... so it's a tie!
Unknown said…
I like the story of Ruth :) but I also really like the story of the last supper... so it's a tie!
Kristie said…
I like Esther! kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.
Unknown said…
The birth of Jesus!
MMT said…
I love the story of when Moses was a baby.
XmasDolly said…
I love all the stories, but one that comes to mind is when God told Abraham to Kill his own son for Him, and God sent an Angel of the Lord to stop him. Such a chilling story.
Gina F. said…
My favorite Bible story is The birth of Jesus.
Anonymous said…
My two favorites are The Prodigal Son and The Good Samaritan
marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com
Coolestmommy said…
I love Noah & the ark.
jlee said…
My kids love Noah's Ark but I love the story of the woman at the well!
Unknown said…
I love the story of noah's ark!
Kathy Davis said…
I love the story of Ruth.
Kathy Davis
blew415 said…
Abraham is a favorite
Holly said…
My favorite would have to be Moses.
Allison said…
I like Noah;s ark the best. Thanks so much for the chances to win.
Unknown said…
Our favorite Bible story would be Daniel in the Lions den. :)
Unknown said…
Our favorite Bible story would be Daniel in the Lions den. :)
Anonymous said…
birth of Jesus

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