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The Legend of St. Nicholas Book Review and Giveaway

In The Legend of St. Nicholas, the new artwork, created by Marley and Me illustrator, Richard Cowdrey, captivates audiences and tells the story of a young man named Nicholas, who was moved by the plight of the poor and needy. Nicholas spent his life secretly helping the poor all over the world, giving gifts on Christmas Eve to remind people of the greatest Gift of all, Jesus Christ. This gentle Christmas book introduces the original St. Nicholas and offers inspiration for readers to become cheerful givers themselves. The final pages in the book include fun Father Christmas traditions in other lands.

My Review:

As a christian parent it is so easy to get caught up in the worlds view of Christmas.  Every where you look is Santa Claus.   I have always enjoyed the history behind St. Nick and this story not only captures the true meaning of Christmas it also inspires kids to take a look around and fill a need rather then receiving.  

My seven and three year old loved hearing the history behind a boy named Nick and how he made a difference with the money he had.   Since we do not do Santa in our house this helped them understand how Santa was created but them helped them focus on Jesus- the TRUE reason for Christmas.  

I encourage all parents to read this book but when you finish sit down and talk about how you can reach people in your community.   Do you kids really need a million things under the tree or can you use some of that money to pay for a homeless child to be off the streets for a month?   Can you help stock your local food pantry?   Can you organize your own coat drive?    

You will want to give this book to any child this Christmas season so make sure to enter the giveaway below.  

Thanks Zondervan for supplying this book in exchange for an honest review and supplying a book to one winner.  All opinions are 100% mine and I was not paid for this review.   

Time to enter the giveaway below using the easy rafflecopter form.   Please let me know if you have any questions!  

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Nancy said…
We try to focus on the real meaning of Christmas.

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
Holly said…
Going to church and keeping the real meaning in focus!
Unknown said…
We go to Christmas Eve service every year. My son is two and I am not sure how to keep Christ in Christmas. This book could help.
Nicole Lancaster said…
We keep Christ in Christmas by going to Christmas church services,participating in Operation Christmas Child, and having the kids pick out and donate a toy to Toys for Tots.
Unknown said…
We make sure to talk about it often, and to read about the birth of Christ, as well as reading other books about the birth! The email I check most often is
Birdhouse Books said…
Church services and Advent are great ways to focus on the true meaning of Christmas.
Unknown said…
Sounds like a wonderful book! We are going to go to Christmas church services. My daughter just turned one and I would love to teach her the concept of giving as she grows up.
Sunnie said…
By praying together
Kimberly said…
We enjoy setting up our Nativity Set
barniebad said…
One of our Christmas traditions is that we all attend mass together. Another tradition is at Christmas dinner we go around the Christmas table and we all express we are thankful to God.
Sue Hull said…
I taught my daughter when she was little all about Christmas and the true meaning of it.We would read the bible together.She always loved the story of baby Jesus.I can't wait to teach my granddaughter when she's old enough.Thank you for the chance :)

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