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Lesson's Learned with the Snow Storm

I have had moment after moment this week of God's beautiful artwork.... and yes it is from snow!  

Sunday the 1st of February we were having  blizzard conditions.   We cancelled church and the schools cancelled on Monday.   I think after both days we had about 13-15 inches of freshly fallen snow.  The biggest snow fall I have seen in about 5 years!  

I know I am very guilty of complaining about bad weather and being a nag about it.     To be honest though... this big dump of snow was awesome!   It has been awhile since I have seen this much snow in a short time.   Last year we were hit with cold cold and more cold.   So to be fair I am a complainer when it comes to cold but I occasionally can be excited like a kid on Christmas Eve for a good ole big snow storm.

I was excited to be trapped at home for two days and so thrilled to spend each minute with my two kids!   (My husband might not say the same since he did spend majority of Monday out removing snow from around church and sidewalks around the church and business's.)  

Not only were those two days awesome to have at home with my kids but my drive to and from work this week has been breath taking...very exquisite!  I think I need to invest in a really nice camera since I was tempted to stop several times on my drive to capture fabulous snowy trees, snowy and icy rivers, eagles in snowy trees, sunlight hitting the field and trees and so much more!  I never did stop to take a pictures because each time it was more about listening to my Daddy God.  It is amazing how he can speak to me through nature! 

The verse that kept coming to my heart was Romans 15:13- Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope  by the power of the Holy Spirit.

I think that verse was coming because there have been many days where my heart is sad... sad because I see so many reject my awesome and mighty King- Jesus!  Sad because the trials my students face at school!   Sad because our world needs to meet my Jesus!  

 I feel like God was filling me up and giving me a pat on the back to keep pushing forward and reminding me that I am bringing HIM with me where ever I go.  Since he is filling me with JOY and PEACE I am declaring that JOY and PEACE are falling off of me and dripping on those around me! 

God has me overflowing this week with HOPE, JOY, and PEACE!   So be ready world Jesus is ready to plant seeds where ever he takes me!  

Does God speak to you through nature?  

Here are a few pictures I did take this week.  
First this was during the snow and blowing.  Oh... this is a big hill and yes we did sled down it!  :) 

This is the day after once clean up was getting started.  

Building this fun snowman! It was extra hard because we had to push away the light fluffy snow to get to the wet and pack-able snow.  

Even the icicles are full of awe and wonder... the details are fantastic!  

I hope you are reading this and feel encouraged.  I pray this week that God shows you something in nature or around you that will give you HOPE, JOY, and PEACE!  


Sue Hull said…
I love the snow so much and I always wished I lived where it snowed. I live in martinez,Ca. and it never snows where I am.Lake Tahoe is a few hrs drive.I see God's Beauty in nature all the time.Right now as I'm writing this it's pouring rain and wind which we need.We've had a bad drought.I pray we have a wet february and march. Thank you for sharing the beautiful pictures. I love the one with the snow on the rod iron fence. Have a blessed weekend :)
Thanks Sue... I feel like I need to post a few more tree pictures in this post because the trees looks o fabulous with that heavy snow! :)

Thanks for reading! Praying you have a wet February and March! :)

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