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Four Must-Have Rides and Accommodations for a Local Church Gathering

Preparing for a local church gathering can be a fun and collaborative process that members of the church can perform together as a team. However, like any other form of event planning, planning a church gathering requires either experience or a little bit of research to find out which kinds of rides, attractions, and festivities would best suit your church attendance level, budget, and the space allocated for the event. Fortunately, choosing the right rides and accommodations doesn't have to be rocket science, especially if you start with the following four essentials and go from there:

1. Jump House

Most birthday parties, church gatherings, festivals, carnivals, and other family-oriented events usually include a jump house for the kids, and for good reason – the little ones have lots of energy that needs to be expressed in some form or fashion, and putting up a jump house is a perfect way to give them an outlet to “get it out of their system,” without rambunctiously running around the church gathering and stressing out the parents and church elders. As any parent will tell you, occupying the kids and giving them a way to let out some of that bottled up energy is an absolute necessity if you want to have an enjoyable, stress-free gathering.

2. Balloon Clown

Besides an outlet for their energy, the kids also need an outlet for their imagination and creativity. Inviting a balloon twisting clown is a great way to put smiles on the kids' faces and create lasting memories. In addition to being able to twist balloons into all sorts of animal shapes with a few rapid hand motions, balloon clowns also know how to make kids laugh and keep them entertained, because they're clowns, and that's what clowns do best.

3. Dunk Tank

If your church gathering is going to be held outdoors during the spring or summertime, setting up a dunk tank is an awesome way to let attendees cool down with quick submerging. Dunk tanks are always a hit in hot weather, and aside from getting participants wet, they're also a great component to add to games, quizzes, and competitions (i.e. if you lose or get the answer wrong, you get dunked). Furthermore, dunk tank rentals are relatively inexpensive when compared to the cost of other amusement rides like Ferris wheels or merry-go-rounds.

4. Concession Stand

Finally, now that you have a few ways to keep all the kids occupied and entertained, and a dunk tank to cool everyone down in the midday sun, all you need now is some good food and drink to top it all off. Of course, holding a pot luck or group meal is always an option, but in addition to that, it may also be a good idea to set up a concession stand offering snacks, cold beverages, and quick food items like burgers, chips, and sandwiches. This will not only keep your attendees well-fed, it can also raise a bit of extra funds for the church in the process.

The Main Ingredients

While the above rides and accommodations can certainly improve the enjoy-ability of your event, these components alone will not make a great church gathering without the main ingredients of kindness, fellowship, and the common beliefs and values that bring the members of your church together. Remember above all else to have fun, show love, and don't take the whole thing too seriously.

This is a paid sponsor post.


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