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DIY Pond Care Basics for Summer, Spring and Winter

There are so many products available to use on a water garden or pond, making it difficult to decide what care methods are the most efficient. Is it better to add a lot of chemicals to the pond? Or is it more beneficial to use natural materials that do not damage the ecosystem? Here is a look at some steps you can take to maintain your pond in the spring, summer and winter months.

Spring Pond Care:

As the water starts to warm up in the spring, it is important to make sure everything is in the right condition for plant growth. Make sure any steps you took to protect the pond in winter are undone. For example, turn the pump on and start feeding your fish as the temperature warms up. Feed them cold-weather food until the temperature is consistently above 60 degrees.

Winter likely added a lot of leaves and debris in your pond. To clean all this up, start by pumping water from your pond into a large container where the fish will temporarily stay. Gently remove all fish and plants from the pond. When all the fish are removed and covered in the pumped water, begin using a pond vacuum or nets to remove all debris from the surface and bottom of the pond.

After that process is complete, add the fish back to the pond and fill it up with water from a hose. Add the plants back too, and begin fertilizing them at least once a month.

Summer Pond Care:

Continue fertilizing plants into the summer. Remove any dead foliage and cut off any yellow or brown leaves on plants, because this limits debris. Remember to feed the fish at least two times a day. It is vital that you never over-feed your fish.

Winter Pond Care:

When leaves begin to fall off trees and into the pond, it is important to remove them on a daily basis. This debris is not only an eye-sore, but it also disturbs the ecological balance in a water garden. As the temperature drops in the fall, feed the fish less and begin using your winter fish food. With a slowing metabolism, they do not need as much sustenance in these months. When temperatures go below 60 degrees, only feed the fish a couple of times a week. Anything below 50 degrees and you do not need to feed them at all.

Plants do not need food in the winter months either. Remove as many dead leaves as possible and place plants deeper into the water so their roots do not freeze. If the pond is too shallow to offer any protection from the ice, consider buying a pond deicer to use in the winter months. This product creates a hole in the ice to allow constant exchange of gases between the air and the pond.

Maintaining a home pond may seem challenging, but is all about completing daily tasks and remaining vigilant about any potential issues. If you want a home pond installed, it is best to contact a pond builder who has the necessary experience to complete the job safely.


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