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Book Review: "Brave Girls- Beautiful You"

Book Description

Body image and self-esteem are major issues for young girls today. This devotional for tweens helps them appreciate themselves and grow up to be comfortable with who God made them to be—inside and out.

My Review:

I really liked the back cover description so let me start my sharing that! 

"Here are a few things you will find in these 90 Devotions:

-Real beauty is not about trying to be like everybody else.

-God designed me to be just the way I am, right this minute!

-God wants to show a unique kind of beauty to this world through me... there's only one me! 

-Real beauty is becoming who God wants me to be, and it begins with loving Him and the people around me. 

This 90 day devotion is split into the following chapter:

1. Beauty Basics

2. Radiant Reflections

3. Works of Beauty

4. Beautifully Clothed

5. Kingdom Fitness

6. Creative Beauty

The first chapter, Beauty Basics, is all about seeing the beautiful gifts all around us. From looking at the things God gives us after we simple accept the free gift God has given us to making sure we understand we are in God's forever family. 

Chapter two, Radiant Reflections, is all about being comfortable in who we are. God has created us each for a special purpose so this chapter is to make sure we are not comparing or becoming jealous of others and are happy with what features and gifts we have. 

Chapter three, Works of Beauty, is a great chapter to get your daughter thinking of others and having a kingdom mind focus while serving or loving others. It is meant to get you thinking about ways to bless others and share Christ's love!

Chapter four, Beautifully Clothed, is all about being aware of how we present ourselves and making sure our wardrobe as well as attitudes are honoring to God! It is presented in a loving way and will hopefully shape young minds so that in a world that portrays girls as sexy rather than beautiful they will reflect back to this and not fall into the worlds ideas!

Chapter five, Kingdom Fitness, is a chapter to help each of us understand that the body we do have does need to move and have fun! 

The last chapter, Creative Beauty, is going to leave one last impression on the importance of celebrating God's creativity.   The chapter will look at nature and help us to connect to God through his creation! 

This book is a great one to do with your daughter.  Each daily devotion starts with scripture, then a couple paragraphs to share a story regarding the scripture, and then it ends with a prayer starter.   The daily devotionals do not take very long to complete but will leave your daughter lifted up and confident as she grows closer to here Daddy, God!   


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