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Pursue a Healthy Work Life: Re-set Those Resolutions

This year for New Year’s, I decided to make some changes that are going to enhance my lifestyle. While I'm getting better at taking my vitamins and exercising regularly, I know there are still plenty of ways I can be healthier while improving my career. You’re probably thinking how can you be healthier at work? Well, there are a lot of ways to have a healthier career. It’s all about creating better boundaries, having a positive work environment, and making sure you’re giving yourself enough time to recover when you’re not working.
I’ve decided to renew my vow in 2017 to be healthier while enhancing my career. Often when we have a lot to do, we feel more feelings of guilt than empowerment if we can't accomplish it all. It’s time to stop feeling this way and make both work and healthy living fun again. Banish the guilt. Pursue the things that make you feel alive. Do what you can to find success, and feel good about those successes. They will inevitably lead to more. Here are a few things I’ve found to be helpful in pursuing health:
Focus on growing a business
Perhaps your focus isn’t working more efficiently and making time for healthier work boundaries like mine is. Perhaps your goal is to expand and grow a business because you just took time off to have a baby or you weren’t as motivated to expand the business as you would have hoped in 2016. Whether you are starting a new business or expanding to a second or third office, finding a beautiful virtual or furnished office space equipped with high-quality office furniture may be the perfect fit for you. For example, if you’re working in an environment that’ll help you stay goal driven and focused on a daily basis is vital. If you work at home, a new office space away from home may be just what you need.
Take your vitamins
Each day, I take the recommended dose of multivitamins, some calcium supplements, and an OMEGA-3 fatty acid supplement. It may sound strange, but I can tell the difference in my feelings and appearance when I skip the OMEGA-3. I take it to aid my brain function, help my skin, and it also helps with anxiety and depression. Vitamins can help with your work productivity and make you feel better, especially when you’re having a lousy day. Celebrate each time you take your vitamins and appreciate the nourishment they’re giving your body.
Get out in the sun
I have a friend who is a consistent marathon runner. I’ve always been envious of her ability to stay in shape -- and her healthful appearance. She says that running helps her control fibromyalgia. I’d like to start a running program to help me have more energy, but it’s hard. I asked her what her secret is, and she said that you have to start by just getting your butt out the door at the same time every day.
Staying motivated to work on your career is fantastic, but it’s vital to take time away to not only get some exercise but gain new ideas and perspectives. There are a lot of people who enjoy working who also enjoy going on the occasional jog because it’s during that time they come up with a load of new ideas for their business!
You don’t have to force yourself to do anything extreme. Just develop a pattern of pursuing a healthy work life, and your motivation will come. Each time you make a new work goal, walk a mile, breathe deep the fresh air, or drink a big glass of water, pat yourself on the back. You’re moving in the right direction.


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