Book Description
“Every day I turn to the Bible to give me strength and wisdom for the day and hope for the future.”
—Billy Graham
Let Billy Graham, one of the world’s most beloved pastors, daily guide your child in understanding the truth of Scripture and trusting God’s great love.
Hope for Each Day: 365 Devotions for Kids presents the same messages of the bestselling devotional for adults in terms children can understand. Each day’s devotion corresponds with the theme and Scripture of the adult devotional, making it easy for families to share devotional time together.
Bring Billy Graham’s cherished wisdom and message of hope home for the child you love.
My Review:
I received a free copy of this book through the BookLook program in exchange for an honest review.
You all know I love a good kids child devotional book! Did you know that once I go through the story with my kids I give these books I get for free as prizes to kids for our church movie night? I love that many kids in my town are able to go home with the word of God accessible to them!
So I love what Billy Graham's ministry has done over the centuries and this kids devotional book is a great tool to have for your family. The stories are very brief yet easy to relate to for kids and adults. Each page has a title, a short scripture, and a story to go along with it. The stories are encouraging and uplifting so whether you want to start your day with a positive or end it with a positive this book is sure to be a delight for your family devotional time. Don't have a devotional time with your family?? It's easy to do get a Bible or devotional like this one and pick a time to read each day with your family. Take time discussing what it means and then pray together.
There is one thing that I wish was different in this devotional. Its not a big deal since the book comes with a bookmark but if your like me you want to start the book at the beginning. Well, I got this book about a month ago and page one doesn't Devotional #1 it has January 1st. So if you are like me and don't start right at the beginning of the year the dates at the top don't align correctly. Not a big deal but just one I wanted to mention if you are a little OCD about things like that! I am currently reading a couple stories a day to get us caught up on the correct day.... I know it is silly of me but being honest in these reviews.