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Dripjoy Coffee Pod Review

Are you a daily coffee drinker?  Do you use coffee pods?  Have you heard of Dripjoy??  

Their Story

At DripJoy, we’re on a mission to Perfect the single serve coffee experience. For years coffee has fueled our productivity, while we sacrificed quality for convenience. Things came to a head when Zach Randall’s 4th single serve brewer broke. The time had come to fix this problem, if not for the world, then for ourselves.
We started by engineering a machine that avoids the problems of other brewers. Our technology reduces clogging, brews hotter & cleaner, and is guaranteed to work.
But why leave the Perfect cup to chance? So we started to source coffee directly from farmers across the world, roasting the beans while they were still fresh and not mixing coffee quality.
After fine-tuning our machine’s heat and pressure, we found the Perfect pairing – and we decided the world must have a taste! We extended the convenience of single serve with our GeniusDelivery™. Simply select your coffee, throw in a complimentary brewer, and get your Joy on.
My Review
Thank's Dripjoy for sending me this coffee for free in exchange for an honest review.  I was not paid for this review and all opinions expressed are my own.  
As far as coffee 'pods' go. These were a solid 8/10. I've had some really bad clearance rack coffees and I was weary that these might not be par for the course. However; I was pleasantly surprised with the balance in my cup. I would compare them to the most popular coffee tycoons coffee pods. This coffee fits in the category of 'accessible' for me, they won't easily disappoint the average coffee consumer. 
I don't typically add any creamer, milk, or sugar to my coffee. I like to taste the 'flavor notes' in my brew. I could taste a few of my favorite notes with each sip. 
My 2 reasons for not rating this coffee 10/10: 
First - I cannot in good conscience rate a coffee pod at a 10/10 as I prefer to grind my own beans and hand craft my coffee, so I'm a bit picky and rate just about nothing at a 10. 
Second - While Dripjoy Coffee Pods do deliver on the promise and are accurate in the description - I didn't find it to be incredibly multidimensional in that the coffee didn't get better and more exciting with each sip, but rather it was flavorful at first, then as the cup cooled it lost some of the aromatics that make coffee so exciting. I didn't find myself sniffing and sipping for the experience. I did find myself content though. This is the kind of coffee I like to enjoy while reading and working. I didn't find it to be captivating and capable of maintaining my full attention, but let's be real for a minute, most people don't expect that - they expect their coffee to taste like coffee! Most people drink it while reading the paper or pushing paper and Dripjoy delivers an enjoyable product for just that!   

The two flavors that we sampled include Dark Bean Daydream and Morning Joy.   Morning Joy is a medium/dark roast which has a blend of smoked cedar and lemon.   The Dark Bean Daydream is a medium roast with flavor notes of chocolate and lemon. 

Subscription Info
Dripjoy is a very neat subscription so you can count on your coffee pods being delivered right to your door.  The company will ask a few questions regarding your coffee habits to help you get the subscription that fits your needs.  I see a $19.99 monthly order and a $39.99 order.  The pods equal to .56 cents per pod, which is a very great price for a quality cup of coffee. Dripjoy also has a brewing system and you can get a great deal on when if you sign up for a subscription! 


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