What You Need:
- Three French fry containers
- Yellow popsicle sticks
- Markers
- Index cards (3 per round or activity)
- Scotch Tape
What To Do:
- With your student, write down the names of as many different animals that you can on the yellow Popsicle sticks. Remember to write only one on each stick.
- On three different index cards, write down three different attributes. For example, “has a tail,” “swims in the ocean,” and “starts with the letter T”.
- Tape each card to the front of a fry container.
- Have your student sort through the animals using the different attributes. Each fry that applies goes into one of the fry boxes.
- Discussion: Which animals fit in more than one container? What other categories can you name?
- Use different kinds of objects. Don’t restrict the activity to animals.
- Make it about English: use random words and label the boxes “noun,” “verb,” and “adjective.” Are there words that can go into more than one container?
- Make it about math: prime numbers, even numbers, odd numbers, etc.