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Faster Food! Cutting Down On Your Time In The Kitchen

There are so many temptations in the food world that can take us off the beaten track. The amount of junk food around means we can very easily go for a quick fix or easily purchase lots of those tempting chocolates by the cash register in the supermarkets. So, what's the solution to getting around this? We don't have much time to cook properly anymore. Life is too busy, and we're being pulled in millions of different directions, all at once. So we need to find a way to cut down our time in the kitchen, how do we do this? Well, we do the following…

Plan! Plan! Plan!

Yes, it's a simple as that! You need to plan ahead for every meal, and this is the key to efficiency in the kitchen. The more food you have in the fridge at the beginning of the week, the less you will be inclined to pick up unhealthy takeaways and eat cookie after cookie. Before you go shopping, you need to make a list of the meals you are going to eat that week. That way you will know exactly what ingredients you need, and so you won't overspend on your shop, but it will also stop you being lazy in your food choices.

Have A Cyber Kitchen!

No, it doesn't need to be run by robots! It's All about making sure you have all of the right tools at your disposal. If you are looking to save time in the kitchen, you need to make sure you have a wide variety of kitchen implements for you to do your job quickly, but also effectively. You need to get some good quality kitchen knives, and it’s amazing how many options there are for you to choose from that are used for different meats, bread, and vegetables. A lot of people tend to stick with their old fashioned knives that have gone a bit rusty. But in keeping these, it makes for a more difficult time in the kitchen. It's also worth looking at other methods of cutting your time down in the kitchen. A lot of people are now using pressure cookers, slow cookers, as well as blenders and food processors to save time with the whole cooking process as well as cutting down on their preparation time.

Batch Cook!
Image result for cottage pie

This is probably the biggest time saver for any working mother, by batch cooking meals and freezing them in meal sized portions, you don't have to think about whipping up a healthy meal for your family. You can simply take one out the freezer the night before, heat it up in the microwave or the oven and you've got a quick tasty meal! If you are concerned about the lack of flavor, what you can do is cook up various sauces and stocks and freeze them, and you have got a delicious base for many different meals!

Cooking doesn't need to be a time-consuming task. But has so many of us are struggling for time these days, we need to find suitable ways to cut down on our kitchen time.


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