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Adorable Prayer Journal


Prayer Journal for Girls: 52 prayer scriptures, prayer guides, & devotional sessions including a list of 52 Scripture verses, and journaling prompts to help you grow as you pray.

The perfect companion for individual Bible study and daily prayer times, this 52 session full-sized journal features:
  • A spacious 8.5 x 11 trim size with lots of space for your reflections.
  • Two full pages for each prayer session. Everything will be right in front of you.
  • A smooth Matte finish feels so nice in your hands.
  • Clean, modern, high contrast page design to help you focus without distraction.

Each guided prayer session includes:
  • Praise and Thanks - Every time of prayer should include, and often begin with thankfulness and praise. This is a space dedicated to the recognition of answered prayers, the character of God, and gratitude for His activity in our daily lives.
  • Prayers for Others- Love is not self-seeking. We want to make sure we are cultivating love in our prayer life by making sure we aren't just praying for our own lives and needs. Prayers for others is a great way to testify to answered prayers by showing your friends after God came through that you prayed specifically for them in their time of need.
  • Date- Simply a space to put the day's date. Many like to keep daily prayer journals and review their prayers from the same day of previous years. This can build faith by providing great insights into previously answered prayers.
  • Show me- This is where we ask for 'revelation' from God. We want him to show us Himself, ourselves, His plans, His ways, and to teach us His mind and heart. The Show me section is for the growing strength and curiosity about Jesus. God is so good at revealing Himself, we just have to ask.
  • Help me - This guided prayer space is specific to your needs. Our prayers may include personal needs, God knows, and He wants to help.
  • What I feel God might be speaking to me about- Hearing God isn't easy for everyone. This is a space to reflect on His voice. It's fun to look back and see how often God really is speaking right to us. This builds faith that our relationship with Jesus is actually a dynamic two-way interaction.
  • Personal action steps- Finally, Prayer isn't all you can do, it's the best you can do. Prayer often requires something on the back end. Prayer might lead you to action steps, like, to call someone you prayed for, to take a faith risk, or to begin a hard conversation. Personal growth happens when prayer not only moves God, but prayer also moves us to action.

Are you a journal-er like me?   I have them every where.   I often think who might read all my notes when I am gone.  I hope it inspires them!  I hope it sparks a fire in them to have a relationship with the Lord.  

This one caught my attention so I think I am going to get this one next for my journal time.  I also like the inside 


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