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Bible Review and GIVEAWAY #csbbible #kidsbible #explorerebible #christmaswishlist #kidsgift #childrensbible


This new Explorer Bible is jam packed with FUN!   My favorite features are the badges for each different category.  The categories include Excavating, Exploring, Truth, Character, and History. 

Right away I found myself skimming this page to find the different topics.  Out of curiosity I immediately turned to page 528 to figure out what "squeeze, please!" means.  Once I found that info I knew this Bible is a great Bible to let your kids investigate and find little gems as the discover each interesting fact. These investigation gems offer real pictures to guide in understanding.  

The exploring creation badge has facts and images connecting modern day objects and things in the world today!   I am so glad there is this feature!   This badge is going to help connect these facts to tangible things!   

The truth badge has 237 discoveries of truth to help kids understand the essential truths of the bible so they can apply it immediately to their own life!  

There are 79 Character guides to help gain more understanding of important people from the Bible. 

There are 15 history charts to help with timelines! 

Every few pages there is more and more to uncover!   The Bible still has some traditional features such as the dedication page, table of contents, and a ribbon bookmark.  

I even found this QR code that helped me find some free printable activities.  What a fun find and I am sure some kids would love the extra fun to go with this Bible.  

There are several cover design options!   GO order your new Explorer Bible HERE


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